Page name: I Love Edward Elric Members [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-05-29 05:21:08
Last author: ~Crimson Angel~
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
# of watchers: 9
Fans: 0
D20: 13
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Show your love for Ed and add your name to the list!

3. [Equivalent Exchange] Oh! Someone add me too!! (I thought that would be funny.)
4. [Akayume]
5. [Chaotic Serenity]
6. [no one123456] Ed is hot
7. [Iruvielle]
8. [Coldfire1]
9. [Erubeus]
10. [Yuichi♥] =3
11. [Waldow]
12. [InsanityAngel] I ♥ ED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13. [Alexi Ice] One of my favorite FMA characters... Though I like his half-brother Envy better.
14. [Lasagna Hater] He's so CUTE!!! ^_^
15. [Line Viper] *squees* He's not short he's FUN SIZED!!!
16. [*dragonstar*] I love Ed! *glomps*
17. [Fallen Child Athena] *huggles Ed* Im never letting go!

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2005-12-31 [*Leric*]: ooooooooo add me add me!!!!!! ^_^

2006-03-08 [Equivalent Exchange]: ohhh someone add me too!! >.<

2006-03-09 [Lady Sadira]: o.o~

2006-03-11 [Equivalent Exchange]: hey! ;3

2006-03-11 [Lady Sadira]: Allo!

2006-03-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: hi

2006-07-05 [*Leric*]: ha,he's mine ;p

2006-07-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: no he's mine.

2006-07-13 [Akayume]: I wanna join ^^

2006-07-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok.

2006-07-13 [Akayume]: thankie

2006-07-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: your welcome.

2006-07-14 [Chaotic Serenity]: I would like to join ^^

2006-07-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2006-11-05 [Coldfire1]: can i join?

2006-11-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: sure,I'll add you.

2006-11-05 [Coldfire1]: YAY!!! *runs after edward and hugs him* ^^

2006-11-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: ummmmmmm...

2006-11-05 [Coldfire1]: heheheh >.>

2006-11-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: *leaves*

2006-11-05 [Coldfire1]: what?! mmmm....

2006-11-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: *is gone*

2006-12-23 [Erubeus]: I wanna join T.T

2006-12-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok.

2008-10-01 [Lasagna Hater]: I'd like to join too because tiny people need love, too. ^_^ Ed's so loveable, especially when he's mad. Hee hee!

2008-10-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah,go ahead and join you don't need permission

2008-11-09 [Fallen Child Athena]: *huggles Ed*

2008-11-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: YAY!

2008-11-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: ~giggles~

2008-11-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles*

2008-11-15 [Fallen Child Athena]: ~pokes Ed~

2008-11-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: *pokes Ed too*
Ed:Why are you poking me?

2008-11-18 [Fallen Child Athena]: *looks at Ed* Cause your cute

2008-11-18 [Lasagna Hater]: *hugs Ed* CHI!!! ^^

2008-11-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*blinks*Uh...thanks.

2008-11-19 [Lasagna Hater]: *backs away* O.O'

2008-11-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles*

2008-11-19 [Lasagna Hater]: *shakes her head* Nevermind.

2008-11-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: *glomps Ed*
Ed:*falls over*

2008-11-19 [Lasagna Hater]: *giggles*

2008-11-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:GET OFF!
*sits up but is still half on him pinning him to the ground*

2008-11-19 [Lasagna Hater]: Sorry Ed! Can't help you there! XD

2008-11-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*sighs*I know what will get her off.*smirks*
*raise and eyebrow*

2008-11-19 [Lasagna Hater]: *glares at him* You hurt her, I'll come after you. Understand?

2008-11-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:I won't hurt her.*reaches up and kisses Misty's cheek*
EEP!*blushes and falls backward*

2008-11-19 [Lasagna Hater]: *giggles* Awww. How cute!!! ^^

2008-11-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*smirks*Told ya.

2008-11-19 [Lasagna Hater]: *smirks* DOG PILE!!! *glomps Ed*

2008-11-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*moves out of the way just in time*

2008-11-19 [Fallen Child Athena]: *comes up behind Ed and kisses his cheek*

2008-11-19 [Lasagna Hater]: :( *pouts*

2008-11-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*blushes*

2008-11-20 [Lasagna Hater]: Awww. How cute! He's blushing! ^^

2008-11-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles and kisses Ed's cheek*
Ed:*blushes more*

2008-11-20 [Lasagna Hater]: *giggles* Silly Ed's so red! ^^

2008-11-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*glares*

2008-11-20 [Lasagna Hater]: Awww, but you're cute when your face is red. Would you rather that I call you short instead?

2008-11-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*glares*

2008-11-20 [Lasagna Hater]: Well, to be honest, I'm 5'0", so I'm the short one, not you. ^^'

2008-11-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:Really?

2008-11-20 [Lasagna Hater]: *nods* Yep. I get a lot of crap for being short, so it wouldn't be fair if I told you that you were short. Besides, it wouldn't make sense cause I'm shorter than you.

2008-11-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*kisses Dark Light's cheek*

2008-11-20 [Lasagna Hater]: *blushes* ^^ Aw shucks. You're too kind. ^^ So how's Al?

2008-11-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:He's good.

2008-11-20 [Lasagna Hater]: ^^ That's cool.

2008-11-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:Yeah,it is.

2008-11-21 [Lasagna Hater]: What about Winry?

2008-11-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:She's ok too.

2008-11-21 [Lasagna Hater]: ^^ That's good.

2008-11-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:yeppers.

2008-11-21 [Lasagna Hater]: *sighs* You know what's sad?

2008-11-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:What,that I've been hanging around Misty so much I've started saying Yeppers?

2008-11-21 [Lasagna Hater]: *shakes her head* No no, it's not that. It's just that people who do have siblings often argue with each other a lot and don't otherwise get along.... -_- While I do have two younger sisters (18 & 5 yrs old), I used to have a little brother but he never got the chance to grow up. -_- He was only 9 months old when he died. And I've always wondered to this day what it would've been like growing up with him in my life.... :(

2008-11-21 [Lasagna Hater]: He's the closest I'll ever get to having a brother. *tear*

2008-11-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:I'm sorry.
Me too Alex.*hugs*

2008-11-21 [Lasagna Hater]: *hugs* Me too. :(

2008-11-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*hugs both of you*

2008-11-28 [Fallen Child Athena]: I want a hug.....please? is Roy, Ed?

2008-11-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*hugs Veari*Roy is the same annoying bastard as ever.

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